Our Story
In 2017 we launched Conservative Move on social media. It was truly remarkable to see so many families across America interested in this idea. Over a half million families have visited our website.
The Conservative Move story began shortly after my wife (Brenda) and I decided to leave California. We wanted a better life for our four young children and we found it in Texas. Our only regret was not doing it sooner. This “idea” was so simple – we just wanted to help families make the move like we did … and that’s where we can be of help to you. Sell your home. Buy your new home. Live a great life!
Our mission is to help families move to Conservative areas of America.

What conservative Means to Me

I grew up nonpolitical. Neither of my parents talked politics much and my first vote was for Ross Perot (an Independent) in 1992. I evolved into a Conservative based on my life experiences as a husband, father, and businessman, serving my community as a law enforcement officer and later serving my nation in the U.S. military. Each of these roles showed me the importance of faith, freedom, patriotism, personal accountability, responsibility and a grounding in core family values.
Conservatism is inclusive to all because it disregards ones race, sex, age, religion, etc. and the stereotypes of today that separate rather than unite us.
In fact, I often say that Conservatism is not about “color,” it’s about “character,” the same character that Martin Luther King asked that we use as a measure to judge – not color.
Much of my life has also been dedicated to helping keep kids off of drugs and away from gangs. We are all born innocent, yet often the circumstances that children are raised in sadly lead to their downfall. Time again I have witnessed the crumbling of community and family values, that all too often harm children.
Conservatism really means “family.”
Families thrive when children have great schools to attend, crime (drugs use) is low and parents are able to find good paying jobs. For this to happen, States themselves must not harm the family and community with bad laws and policies.
No city or state is perfect, but I believe that more often than not, Conservative regions of our States are best to raise a family, to start a business, to retire.
My sincere hope is that these States, from which families flee from will one day reverse their destructive course. Until that happens, Conservative Move will remain open for business – standing by to help anyone who seeks us out, and ready to move.. right.”
Our Firm
Broker License #9006686
Chabot Strategies LLC (CSL) consists of Conservative Move, Escape Blue State, GOP Agent, Law Enforcement Move, Military Vet Move, and Move Right USA, owned and operated by Chabot Strategies LLC. We are passionate about the people we serve and we want to give them the best we have to offer.